
Central Haywood Church of Christ

Serving God from the mountains of North Carolina


Bulletin Article

How Have Overcommitted Lifestyles Hindered the Church? (Part 2)

By Brian Mitchell

We need to see our overcrowded lives, as not merely a problem which needs to be overcome, but a problem that has created other problems which are far more serious. This is a problem which hinders the cause of Christ because it keeps us distracted from the fact that our real purpose in life is not being fulfilled. Do we have any doubt where the problem of being overcommitted comes from? It comes from the devil, and when we fill our lives with so many inconsequential activities, we are literally playing into his hands to neutralize our effectiveness in this world.

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Overcommitted Lifestyles (Part 1)

By Brian Mitchell

One of the most dangerous tendencies of the average American today is the tendency to over commit themselves. Unfortunately, this is a problem that has affected the Lord’s people as well. Often we commit to too many activities and concerns that are unrelated to the work of the Lord and thus hinder us in our abilities to serve the Lord effectively and fruitfully. Many times we find ourselves in the same predicament as Martha—Lk.10:41-42.

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10 Verses of Renewal and Hope.

The Bible is filled with hope and encouragement. Jesus Christ was born into this world, lived a sinless and perfect life, died on the cross, and rose again on the third day to pay our debt of sin and give us hope for a better day. Yet life for the faithful Christian can be a difficult and discouraging journey. It can leave us feeling discouraged, defeated, and alone in our daily struggles.

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Letting Go and Giving Up.

I cannot count the number of times I have heard these two phrases used in Christianity. It’s confusing. In some situations, we’re told to have faith, keep holding on but in others we’re told to let go and put in the hands of the Lord. Which one is it? How can I know which one I’m supposed to do?

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Abiding in Christ.

The phrase “abiding in Christ” often emerges as a profound yet enigmatic concept, calling us to a deeper understanding of its essence and implications in the life of a believer. The scriptural foundation for this discussion is found in John 15, where Jesus Christ describes Himself as the true vine, with His followers as the branches—a metaphor that encapsulates the life-sustaining relationship between Christ and believers.

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Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Easter is one of the most important and celebrated events in the Christian calendar. This holiday is focused on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which is the foundation of the Christian faith. It is a powerful symbol of hope, new beginnings, and victory over death.

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Is Joy Possible Without Happiness?

              There is a common belief in Christianity today that says you can feel joy without feeling emotions like happiness. Often it is presented as if Christianity is not meant to emotional and that being a faithful Christian often results in a life that something less than the abundant life Jesus promised.

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Emulating Christ: The Path to Genuine Transformation

In our journey through faith and life, the concept of Christlikeness stands as a beacon, guiding us toward the epitome of spiritual maturity. This pursuit, though noble and essential, unveils the vast gulf between our imperfections and the pristine character of Jesus. It beckons a question that resonates deeply within the heart of every believer: How can we truly embody the likeness of Christ in a world brimming with trials and tribulations?

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The challenge to continue learning God’s word.

              Throughout Scripture, we are challenged to grow in our faith and in our understanding of God’s word. Sounds easy enough except when you’ve read and studied it for years and it becomes almost mundane or boring. Not that God’s word is boring but after a while its easy for us to lose sight of just how amazing and exciting it truly is. God has spoken from heaven and given it to us for our good. Yet, we often lose sight of that and drift into complacency.

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IVF and the Christian: what are we to think?

              As most of you know, the state of Alabama recently ruled that embryos were children and thus, granted full protection under the law about the wrongful death of a minor. On one hand, I applaud the stand the state took that protects these embryos as unborn children and worthy of being protected. Just for clarification you should know that embryos are fertilized eggs that have already begun to develop. It is not simple sperm or an egg but a life that has already begun to develop into a life.

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From Water To Wine: Embracing The Fullness of Faith.

In John 2:1-11, we find the story of Jesus at a wedding in Cana, turning water into wine. This miracle isn’t just a display of power; it’s a symbol of transformation. Jesus takes something ordinary, water, and turns it into something extraordinary, wine, and not just any wine, but the finest. This act speaks volumes about the nature of Christ’s ministry: taking our ordinary lives and infusing them with extraordinary purpose and joy.

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Beyond human limitations: Embracing Divine wisdom in our achievements.

In the shadow of towering achievements and groundbreaking innovations, it’s easy to be dazzled by human capabilities. We live in an era marked by rapid advancements in technology, medicine, and science. Yet, amidst this whirlwind of progress, there lies an essential truth often overlooked: the limitations of human ability and the enduring need for divine guidance.

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A New Year, A Renewed Commitment: Reflective Questions for Church Members

As we welcome the new year, it’s a time of fresh beginnings and renewed commitments. For us this is a unique opportunity to reflect on our spiritual journey and how we can enhance our contribution to the life and health of our church.

Here are some reflective questions to guide us in this process:

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Making Room for the King.

As Christmas approaches, we often hear the familiar story of the birth of Jesus. We hear of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, only to find no room in the inn (Luke 2:1-7). But what does this story mean for us today?

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Christmas: A Spark of Joy in the Darkness

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, we find ourselves entering the season of Christmas, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the greatest celebration of our faith: the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, I want to reflect on the wondrous event of the incarnation, where the eternal Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

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